
Jean-Guilhem Cailton wrote:
> Note to administrator : would it be possible to raise the size limit for 
> this crisis situation?

Maybe it is also prudent to recognise that while there is a crisis in 
Haiti, there is mapping as usual in many other regions of the world - 
some of it in regions that might become the next victim of a natural 

While most of us want to help where we can, OSM as a whole must not 
grind to a halt because there is a crisis in Haiti. There are tens of 
thousands of active OSMers around the world, and 400 of them are active 
in Haiti. Every Haiti message on this mailing list reaches a very high 
number of people who are not interested, and it is their right to be not 
interested - they are doing good work elsewhere.

I think it is time for an osm-haiti mailing list - or if every OSMer 
helping in Haiti is already on crisismappers, then that's ok too, we can 
then simply stop crossposting and forwarding everything here.


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