
regarding JOSM the following would be interesting:

* graphical visualization of object history
JOSM currently provides a very simple and crude view on an objects history. A graphical visualization would provide a more intuitive view on an objects history and the evolution of its key attributes on a timeline: - the objects "weight", how it grew and shrinked in the past (with respect to number of tags or number of children like nodes and relation members)
      - the objects "churn", i.e. how often and when it was modified
      - the objects "ownership",  i.e. who was editing the object
A "watch list" for interesting objects (i.e. large relations) would be interesting too.

* user interface for reverting individual objects to a previous version
* user interface for reverting a changeset (similar to what the perl scripts currently do, but with a nice user interface)
* next generation support for resolving conflicts:
- classify conflicts according to "type of conflict" (state conflict, tag conflict, position conflict, etc.)
      - classify conflicts according to "severity"
      - visualization and manipulation of these conflict classes
- provide functionality to select and resolve batches of conflicts with a certain type and a certain severity

* detecting, visualizing and resolving "map anomalies"
   see http://josm.openstreetmap.de/ticket/4509#comment:12


Am 10.03.2010 09:52, schrieb Graham Jones:
Hi Folks,

We have submitted an application for OSM to participate in this year's Google Summer of Code, so next week the people from Google will be reviewing the application and our project ideas list to chose which organisations to include in the programme.

Looking at the project ideas list (http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/GSoC_Project_Ideas_2010) I am a bit surprised that there are no suggestions for student projects on the 'core' OSM databases. The things I wondered are:

    * Are there any areas for development of API version 0.7 that
      could be turned into a project for someone to work on?
    * Would it be worth working on the XAPI server?  We had trouble
      last year with them being down, so I wondered if it would be
      worth developing a more 'conventional' postgresql version of the
server that we could start-up easily if the others fail again? I started to look at this at the time, but didn't get far
      because I got tied up in regular expressions rather than writing
      a parser myself.....
    * Without wanting to re-open the acrimonious debate again, could
      we turn development of the OSM web site into a project? (would
      have to check the GSoC rules for this, because there might not
      be much 'code' involved).
    * How about the main editors - JOSM and Potlatch - are there any
      potential projects there?

Please give this a bit of thought, and add any ideas to the Wiki page! If you don't have chance to do that, an email to me will do and I will add it.



Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK
email: grahamjones...@gmail.com <mailto:grahamjones...@gmail.com>

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