On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 8:55 PM, Richard Fairhurst <rich...@systemed.net> wrote:
> If you can code ActionScript 3 (or would like to learn), the world's your
> oyster. If not, there are oodles of exciting things you can do with presets
> and icons and stuff. Either drop me a line off-list or (better still) ask on
> the potlatch-dev mailing list and we'd be delighted to help. (Especially
> since last night I finally fixed the bug that's been annoying me for weeks.)
> That goes for any putative devs - do get in touch, there's loads of great
> stuff to do, and the cool tag panel and rendering stuff makes it so much
> less hard work.

Sweet. How hard can ActionScript be, really? (I've done plenty of C,
Delphi, Java etc in the distant past, usually the difficulty is not
the language, it's learning the codebase.)

Anyway, feel free to remind me of my offer to help on, oh, the 25th of
April or so. :)


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