On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 10:40 AM, Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> Richard Fairhurst wrote:
>>> The world doesn't require Potlatch 2 wondrousness. The world would
>>> already sigh with relief if Potlatch could be made to not break
>>> relation ordering when a way is split ;-)
>> Has the world lodged a trac ticket?
> I'm not sure; my guess is that the world is silently waiting for
> Potlatch 2 to be released and will *then* complain about everything that
> *still* doesn't work.
> (My info comes from several mentions on, you guessed it, talk-de.)

I hereby present figure 1: Drag and drop relation reordering in Potlatch 2.




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