I think you are right.  The map data is stored in a jar file - it can be a
different one to the program though.
There seem to be two classes of mobile OSM applications - some are like this
with static map data.  Others use live data, which means you need a network
connection to use it.
A mixture of the two would be good - it downlods data to a cache when a
network is available, and uses the cache when it is not.
Does anyone know of an application that works this way?


Graham Jones
(from my phone)

On Mar 26, 2010 3:38 AM, "AssetBurned" <openstreet...@assetburned.de> wrote:


thanks for the tip! The program works with my Nokia, but it looks like you
have to compile the whole program every time if you want to update the map
data. o_O

Sorry but that makes it totally unusable in this case. I need to have a
setup that is also usable by my dad. I can explain him to download a file
and use it to replace an old one on a storage card... but if I try to
explain him that he has to compile something.... no way.

Maybe that is a cool tool if you want to start a business (as some people
did in the Apple-App-Store) to sell OpenStreetMap maps for a phone, or if
you have to install the same map data on several phones. But not usable in
my case :-/ even if i like the idea to have a search function for POIs,
addresses and everything else stored in OSM.

cu AssetBurned

On 24.03.2010, at 18:45, Graham Jones wrote:

> Gpsmid is quite a good solution for phones with java (J2ME).

>> >> On Mar 24, 2010 5:31 PM, "AssetBurned" <openstreet...@assetburned.de>
wrote: >> >> I tried to...
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