Am 03.05.2010 21:12, schrieb Felix Hartmann:
> My actual position on this is, I will write a wiki page, with a note to
> say bug off people against unofficial routes (because for mountainbiking
> they will in a matter of days be largely more than signposted routes),
> we will tag them route:unofficial:mtb=name and eveyone should give their
> favourite routes a hefty go. People are much more interested in nice
> routes than in difficulty, but according to tagwatch more than 25.000
> ways have mtb:scale information, compared with maybe 50 mtb routes.
> If in OSM we really want to get in more mountainbikers, we have to start
> with unofficial routes. I will think about it for the night, and put up
> a wiki page tomorrow, put some notices on this on the big forums
> (hopefully they will get ~5000 pageviews, put them in my feedburner
> newsletter (1200 recipients) and as of next Friday render unofficial routes.
> Once we have more than 500 unofficial routes (I'ld say this takes no
> more than 14 days), I will take out official routes form my maps, except
> if they are labelled with additional information to make sure they are
> not a trekking bike route labelled as mtb route.
> If someone starts kicking them out, we could take out their submissions
> using a bot if they really feel like starting an edit war. It won't be
> much worse than in the Russian military discussion, will it?
> I don't give a damn what Andy or some other people say. For me the only
> rule in OSM and that counts, is that as long as you're not destructing
> the work of others (like say you put in paragliding routes that make
> editing a pain for everyone else) or largely irrelevant data that
> clutters the database so it becomes unusable, just let them do it (hey,
> in Austria we likely still have 20% of data junk from, and I
> don't even want to start about the crap data in the USA). The amount of
> information is nothing compared to all the remarks by bots and editors
> or on imports.

Hi Felix!

Reading a lot of what you write makes me feel pretty sad.

These "some other people" you are talking about actually spend several 
years of their life - before your appearance here - to bring OSM to 
something you seem to value enough for your ideas.

Is it really your intention to start a bot edit war if "they don't 
confirm to what I want"? Is this really your way to spread your idea and 
*convince* people that you have a good idea?

What I'm missing here is - respect of other peoples work.

There seems to be a wide concensus in OSM that we don't want to tag 
something like "this is my favourite route" - at least that's basically 
what I understood what you want to do.

I'm not saying this is a concensus set in stone for the next hundred 
years, but convincing people by telling them "I will ask my 1000 MTB 
friends if you disagree" and "I will write a bot" is very certainly 
*not* the way to change peoples mind.

Regards, ULFL

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