Cool thanks,
Ian Dees offered to host it,  Unfortunately i dont know Perl, but i
can still create the contours.   At 10m accuracy, i find it's still
good.   In Canada, we do have 20m contours (from NRCan) which is also
available, so that can be used as a supplement.  The downside to SRTM
is the annoying squares that get cut out when the SRTM radar detected
houses/building, so i guess it tried to accommodate.
We also have our own tiling number system, which identifies areas
better than the ComputerTeddy Tile # system.
However, including a description for each contour IMG tile (listing
the town/country that is shown) would be a good reference for people
(planet wide).

It would also be great to have a GroundTruth planet 25m contour done
of IMG files, where this data could be accessed with an ehancement of
the system

As 10m contours are better for Hiking, were 25m contours are standard
for Driving.   as it fills up the map screen with too many lines &
looks cluttered.

I'm right now working on the process for north of 41 degrees and
between -141 and -52 degrees west.  So it's only as temporary space as
need if the .ibf & DEM files gets removed as soon as the .img file is
and it can also be copied onto the server as soon as it's created.

Anyway, Im sure if this thread gets any longer, others will be
annoyed, and start complaining about copyright / licence ... etc.  &
the regular routeen ... lol

Feel free to contact me off-list if you want to help make this happen.
  A wikia website can be created for it :)


On Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 9:01 PM, Apollinaris Schoell <> wrote:
> I have a perl script to create tiles based on srtm data. for usa based on ned 
> data and some tiles based on viewfinder data because srtm is really bad in 
> mountain areas
> tools required are gdal_translate, gdal_contour, shp2osm, mkgmap.
> processing time and temporary space requirement is huge. If someone can 
> provide a host for sharing the tiles I can run it. Or if someone is 
> interested can share the script. I have used 25m contours and then all tiles 
> I have processed can be done with 1x1 degree and they still fit into a single 
> .img file.
> On 9 Jun 2010, at 2:21 , Sam Vekemans wrote:
>> Hi everyone, I know that this is slightly off-topic, however, this is
>> something that everyone who uses a Garmin GPS that uses IMG files,
>> needs & uses when traveling in areas, as a contour map is needed.
>> Right now, i manually making the 1x1 degree contour map IMG files for
>> Japan.  (as a break from all of Canada)  (at a set 10m interval)
>> using this basic DOS script, and manually changing the ComputerTeddy
>> tile #'s and bounding box & the name of the tile area (using a
>> recognizable location within the tile area).
>> Does anyone know of a way to run a script that will process the entire
>> planet & host them on a server somewhere (just as the ComputerTeddy
>> OSM tile data is)?   It would certainly be a great benefit to have
>> this as a resource for people.  ... and this will only be a 1-time
>> process, as the contour source doesn't change that fast.
>>  I'm planning on using & to host the Canada
>> Data, as the tile names & numbering system is already defined in it's
>> own NTS form.
>> Again sorry for the off topic,
>> Hopefully someone can help make this happen.
>> Sam
>> Twitter: @Acrosscanada
>> Blogs:
>> Facebook:
>> Skype: samvekemans
>> IRC: irc:// #osm-ca Canadian OSM channel (an open chat room)
>> @Acrosscanadatrails
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