That's what I assumed had to be happening. If a single intersection was
missing from the map, it wouldn't fail to calculate a route, it would
just find a different one that wasn't in fact the shortest path. But if
it can't find any way to the destination there must be a chunk of the
map that's topologically isolated from the rest.


Liz wrote:
> On Mon, 14 Jun 2010, Maarten Deen wrote:
>> Does anyone have similar experiences, and maybe an explanation why this
>> happenes? Are the OSM maps too detailed for a simple device like this to
>> calculate?
> Using a separate *set* of maps for Australia, I have had trouble with 
> calculating a route that crossed a border from one map in the set to another. 
> The distance involved is not the problem in this case, but the existence of 
> the border.
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