2010/7/7 Pieren <pier...@gmail.com>:
> On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 2:56 AM, John F. Eldredge <j...@jfeldredge.com>
>> So, what happens in your region if the road planners decide to alter the
>> position of part of a road,
> Most probably the boundary will not move. But we also have many cases where
> boundaries are moving but not the features (e.g. parcels transfer from one
> municipality to another).

so I it seems your country is doing things just as any other country
and you should think about not glueing borders to features. I come
back again with some point already mentioned above: additional points
of roads for attributes like width or maxspeed, etc.: those will all
"curve" the road slightly (because points are never 100% linear in
OSM, or keep to be linear after some edits), hence curving the
boundary as a result.

> So how do you draw adjacent buildings ? you also draw them unglued because
> every day, some buildings are somewhere destroyed or modified, then we
> should never glue nodes because it possibly will make the next contributor
> life a little bit harder when he/she will fix the building ?

this is a completely different issue as shared buildings don't just
coincidentally share nodes: they are physically connected and will
probably remain such even if one building is destroyed and
reconstructed, while a boundary will most of the times not move when a
river or road moves. A boundary will not become more complex because
there is a speed limit introduced to a road.


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