On Sat, Jul 10, 2010 at 13:16, Tom Hughes <t...@compton.nu> wrote:
> On 10/07/10 14:44, Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason wrote:
>> Nice, on the login screen it says "Enter your OpenStreetMap username
>> and password", but I can only log in with my OSM E-Mail + password, at
>> which point it'll suggest my OSM username as a displayable Real Name.
> It should work if you get the case right - it just does a fetch of the user
> details from the API in the same way that trac does. I guess they may be a
> Unicode issue or something in the python code I wrote to do it.

I got the case right. It's probably a Unicode issue in your code.

>> Why use CC-BY instead of CC-BY-SA like the OSM wiki? That means we
>> can't base wiki help pages off good replies or questions on
>> help.osm.org.
> That license is actually hard coded in the OSQA source... Yes I know that's
> silly and I should probably change it locally.

I see that it's changed over now, good.

>> Why was OSQA used instead of Shapado? I'm not familiar with the
>> difference between them. But Shapado seems to have much better i18n
>> support.  AFACS OSQA only has some localizations for 5 languages, but
>> Shapado has>50% localizations for ~14.
> Basically because I heard of OSQA first and had already started playing with
> it when I heard oh Shapado.

That's unfortunate, but not much to be done about it now unless
someone wants to convert the DB. Hopefully OSQA will catch up to
Shapado in this regard so it can be used by people that speak the
languages we already have the website and the wiki available in.

I did a quick comparison of the metrics of the two projects:

             Shapado    OSQA
    Started: July 2009  February 2010
    Commits: 2100       500
  Commiters: ~15        4
   Language: RoR        Django
  Languages: 25 [1]     3 [2]


    AVAILABLE_LOCALES = ["ar", "be-TARASK", "br", "bs", "de", "eo",
    "el", "en", "es-419", "fi", "fr", "gl", "ia", "ja", "ko", "lb",
    "mk", "nb", "nl", "pms", "ps", "pl", "pt-BR", "pt-PT", "ru", "te",


    $ ack -c 'msgstr (?!"")' locale/*/*/*.po|grep -v :0

Here are two writeups on the differences between them:


Looks like the OSQA devs didn't trust MongoDB, so they wrote their own:


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