I know that OSM is the place that 'You too can be an Anarchist' (just
like everyone else...) ,but after watching discussions on roads, sea
marks, addresses, etc. I feel like the OSM community is missing
opportunities to leverage individual data contributions when they
can't all be tied together in a coherent way.

In the end, it would be nice if there were standards that most of the
people would follow.  I think that when most of us started mapping, we
looked for the 'official' way to tag things and would have been happy
to follow that standard.  Some people with always say, 'F! you, you
can't tell me how to map'.  And they are right and have a proper place
in OSM.  But, I think that many people see the value of standards and
see how it facilitates the creation of innovative and productive
applications/products based on OSM data, and they would be willing to
follow standards.


On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 8:32 AM, Malcolm Herring
<malcolm.herr...@btinternet.com> wrote:
> I found a wonderful motto at the top of the user page of one of the OSM
> system administrators, TomH:
> "I don't give a flying monkey's for tag voting, automatic changebots,
> endless discussions, categories, or any of that crap, but prefer to get on
> and actually do stuff."
> This echoes my sentiments exactly!
> So, I will take my leave of this thread and spend more time writing code &
> stylesheets for the OSeaM project.
> Bye!
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