On Tue, 24 Aug 2010 16:12 +0200, "ce-test, qualified testing bv - Gert
Gremmen" <g.grem...@cetest.nl> wrote:

> The history problem happens also when all contributors that are not happy
> with the new ODBL license will withdraw their data.

Yes, but the hideousness of the history problem will only happen once,
and be done with, under the licence change process. What you are
suggesting would mean it went on and on, and became increasingly

May I suggest this thread be moved off OSMF-talk? OSMF-talk is generally
a low volume list and aside from announcements, is mainly for discussion
of issues pertaining specifically to OSMF, or only of interest to OSMF
members rather than the wider community. I don't think this applies to
this thread. I would suggest legal-talk as a more sensible list for
this, in the first instance, and I have copied in.

Kind regards


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