Even a relation adds no information to the map, other than perhaps "these are 
points on the surface of the earth which allow for an unobstructed atmospheric 
path to be calculated between".

   There are about 28,000 aeroway=aerodrome tags, and 12,000 runways tagged.   
So if we wish to add relations between all possible airports, that represents 
about 72,000,000 great circle relations that would need to be added to cover 
them all.

From: Aun Johnsen 
Sent: Sunday, October 10, 2010 10:34 AM
To: OpenStreetMap 
Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] Flight "paths" in OSM

If there is any interest of mapping airline routes, than do it with a relation 
between the airport nodes, as great circles can easily be calculated between 
two known positions. Making lines on the map is easy enough when you have the 
end positions, and nodes in between is not necessary at all.

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