On Tue, 15 Feb 2011 11:49:40 +0200
Ivan Petrushev <ivanat...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Can you suggest me a power-user GPS application for Android?
> I've recently switched from my Sony Ericsson K800 to Android and
> really miss MapNav. Most of the android apps I've tried are really
> naive - there is a map, and there is a dot representing your position,
> and this is all. Some of them have online routing via Cloudmade or
> other service. Not something really impressive.
> There are two cases I'll be using that app for:
> A) collect data for OSM
> B) when on a trip - checking and correcting OSM data
> For A) - I don't want anything with a embedded OSM editor! I like to
> make marks (in the app), take photos and then later enter all data in
> I'm often in regions with no access to Internet. So I need all maps to
> be prepared before and use them offline. Preferably use vector maps
> because of the scaling and routing.
> Also if using routing (and it is new to me and I don't find it really
> "a-must") it should be offline routing.
> About tracks - I keep lots of tracks, some of them with 5k+ nodes. I
> need to be able to easily tell which track is what.
> MapNav was a perfect app with tons of options, but it won't run on
> Android. There are certain emulators but none of them get to run it
> smoothly. That's why I search for something that is android-native,
> but so far I haven't hit anything worthy. I've checked OsmAnd and it
> has troubles saving tracks. I've checked Maverick and it has troubles
> saving POIs.
> I've created a list of features that I need and a list of features
> that it will be nice to have but not mandatory.
> - Tracks
> -- record track points by distance traveled (for example "every 50 m")
> or by time (for example "every 10 s"). Combination of two can be
> possible with AND or OR.
> -- save and load tracks
> -- view saved tracks in list select active track
> -- export/import track formats - at least GPX
> -- display and update active track on the map
> -- ability to easily pause track recording (for example when you are
> standing still at one place)
> - Marks
> -- ability to quickly add new mark (or call it POI if you like) around
> my current location
> -- ability to add new mark with specific coordinates (useful for
> geocaching) -- easily export and import marks
> - Main display
> -- display current speed
> -- display distance between current position and a selected target
> position -- display distance between random two points
> - Map sources
> -- offline maps easily created
> -- OSM
> -- downloading Google Earth (or other sources) tiles from Internet
> - Tracks
> -- show altitude and speed profiling of a track
> -- edit track nodes (for example cut nodes out of the track, or split
> track in two)
> -- rename saved tracks
> -- list saved tracks with details (like length, timestamp of first
> node, timestamp of last node) and sorting
> -- display more than one track over the map at once
> - Marks
> -- ability to take photo and geotag/add it to a mark
> - Main display
> -- display current coordinates and altitude
> -- number of points in active track
> -- ability to show a "ruler" on the map
> -- display satelite status
> - Navigation
> -- ability to calculate route from point A to point B w/o Internet

You might need two apps :(
Navit will store for offline use, can record a track and routes with
some caveats
no POI feature / cannot view saved tracks / cannot pause track

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