On Tue, 2011-04-12 at 20:56 +0200, Michael Collinson wrote:
> If you were a contributor before this date and have not accepted yet,
> you will be asked to accept or decline the new terms.  [..snip..]
> Even if you choose to decline the new terms, you will still be able to
> continue editing.

With the ability to decline the licence now, will those who were
presented with the CTs originally with only one option (to accept), be
given the chance to indicate if they decline the change, ie. to change
their vote, for example if they realise they have accepted the new terms
when they have used incompatible data sources?

If the CTs to be presented to the community are finally agreed upon,
almost 12 months after the first people were asked to accept it, should
those users who have previously accepted the licence, be contacted and
be told that the final terms have been released, and they have the
chance to read the latest revision and change their vote accordingly.
Im not sure how legally binding it may be in some parts of the world,
but Im fairly sure that most places in the world wont allow you to ask
people to sign a contract then change the terms of that contract 100
times without letting the other party to the contract choose to opt out.

It should be pointed out to users that while accepting the new terms is
a requirement to continue editing OSM, that if a user has used
incompatible sources for their edits, that they MUST NOT accept the
terms.  If OSMF is interested in keeping tainted data out of the system,
this must be done, otherwise those who inadvertantly selected to accept
the terms before fully understanding them, will have tainted the clean
data in OSM.

> You can see up-to-date OpenStreetMap ODbL acceptance by region at any
> time by going to http://odbl.de . See "world" for the global picture.

Can this page be updated to show users who have declined (other than
those who just havent accepted yet)?  I think it would be interesting to
see those who have actively accepted, actively declined, and those users
who are inactive.

> As part of the process, the legal wording of the Contributor Terms has
> been improved [3] on the basis of community feedback received and to
> make them more friendly to individual contributors. The human-readable
> version of the Contributor Terms is unchanged [4].

Does this mean what is being presented is the final CTs?  Will no more
community feedback be accepted or integrated into the terms?  I think to
some, the closure of any updates to the CTs, will be the straw to force
them away from OSM, rather than any blocks on their edits.  The fact
that so many very important issues raised by community feedback remain
unaddressed by the LWG, and the process being ended, to me shows that
LWG and OSMF really couldnt care about the community feedback, and
instead are only caring about the feedback that supports their point of


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