Martijn van Oosterhout <kleptog <at>> writes:

> On 9 June 2011 08:38, Saphy Mo <saphyfar <at>> wrote:
> > The file is the same Europe.osm.bz2 directly downloaded from geofabrik. I
> > will decomprese it and try to see the order of Nodes, Ways and relation.
> > But the error happens while pending_ways query.
> It occurs to me you can see this during import, by seeing which
> counters go up first.

The osm2pgsql wiki
says "it is smart to increase the value of checkpoint_segments". I have a
feeling that it is compulsory, at least I was not able to import the Finnish
excerpt at all with the PostgreSQL 9.0 default value. But perhaps you have
increased it already.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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