On 11/06/11 12:09, Ben Laenen wrote:

OK, so the thread went into a different direction along the way, but above is
what my question originally was: what gave OSMF the power to be this small
group in the first place? The OSMF only had the purpose to support OSM and
suddenly it's now making the decisions?

If the OSMF really wants to be the governing power, and the OSM communitity
agrees to give them this power (by vote...), then fine, but please state so
beforehand so we could actually have participated in it if we wanted to.

But since the OSMF had (and still has) no mandate at all, they have just as
much power to make decisions on OSM as any other mapper.

I agree but saying this on the mailing list will make no difference at all. We need to discuss HOW we bring about change, and what that change might be. Suggestions:

1) Petition and poll to gather consensus. I create a doodle poll here: http://doodle.com/s2zg64vyaup72dcw Please publicize and vote.

2) Go to the OSMF open session tomorrow.

3) Contact OSMF directly though the committees but preferably not electronically (otherwise you might get ignored). They are actually quite a friendly bunch!

4) Join the OSMF as a member (people keep suggesting this but I don't actually agree!)



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