On Wed, 13 Jul 2011 09:18:48 +0200, Frederik Ramm wrote:

On 07/13/11 09:01, Steve Bennett wrote:
Did this changeset actually break any guidelines or policies? Is there
anything wrong with it other than the fact that you don't personally
approve? Let's approach the problem in a spirit of long-term
sustainability, not short term witch-hunting.

I think you're misinterpreting.

Like/dislike buttons are quite common and they don't mean that anyone
engages in a "witch hunt". They are just something that helps the
collective to form an opinion - if something is liked by 50 and
disliked by 50 then it is clear that the community is divided; if it
is disliked by 100 then it is clear that this is not what the
community approves of.

Also, in case this hasn't become clear, I am not in favour of +1/-1
buttons for *contributors*, but for individual *changesets*.

But you're still only voting for the comment in the changeset, right?
What does the comment do to invalidate the changeset? What is the required course of action against users who typically add "bad" comments (get voted down alot) but make otherwise good changes?

In other words: what is the added value. Which actions (if any) will be taken based on this.


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