Hi everyone,

I have been mapping in Korea a lot.  In July I discovered a problem
because I took a trip to an area I had mapped before.  When I went to use
my new data to check against the map I thought I was going mad.  I was
sure I had mapped certain roads, and they were there on the map, but my
name was no longer in the history.  In fact, there seemed to be only one
version of the road in existence.

Here is one way I know I mapped:

It was deleted as part of this changeset, which is rather large:

Here's another:

>From this large changeset:

I contacted the mapper responsible, who apologised to me and basically
said that they messed something up, or something went wrong during the
editing session, couldn't fix it, so did the best they could to put things

So, I am happy that it was not malicious, but not happy that a lot of my
work (and others' work) has been lost/needlessly altered, and there is no
continuity in the history.  Anyway, I'd like to know what is the best
course of action.  I still have my GPS traces and photos of streetsigns
and other detail, so I could reload it and re-map the area, but it's a big

Should I...
a) Ask someone to investigate what happened and show me what tools to use
to recover/restore deleted data, bearing in mind that the current data
seems to be identical and would overlap restored data?
b) Check/re-map the areas using whatever data I have?
c) Ignore the issue?
d) None of the above

I know that in some ways the database is 'self-healing' since mappers who
spot discrepancies (due to whatever cause) will fix them.  But these
errors don't need to be discovered- I know they are there (and now you do

I also wonder if there should be some mechanism to stop (or at least draw
attention to) massive edits/deletions before too much time goes by.



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