Simon Poole wrote:
> And. naturally any "fair" ranking should take in to account the time
> spent creating and
> editing web pages, answering questions (irc and help) and many other
> things ....

It should also include real-world communications and advertising the
project. A mapper who manages to convince a friend to join does a great
service to OSM. In all the rankings, though, the effect will be
detrimental for the user: The friend (if active in the same area) will
touch objects created by the original mapper, and will fill white spots
that the original mapper could have used to boost his object creation

Instead of rankings for individual contributors, I prefer attempts to
measure progress towards meaningful goals. A "completion" statistic for
road names, for example, does encourage mappers to work towards the
goal, but at the same time _encourages cooperation_.

That's a far better message to send to mappers:
* Results count, not the number of nodes you moved to get there.
* Cooperation lets you reach your goals faster.

-- Tobias Knerr

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