
On 14.09.2011 09:24, Frederik Ramm wrote:
Barriers of entry are good if they accurately reflect the demands that
lie further down the road. A barrier that prohibits 3m wide vehicles
from entering a tunnel that will narrow down to less than 3m in the
middle is not an arbitrary restriction that should be torn down but
something that helps everyone.

Weird picture. Vehicles have fixed widths, whereas OSM users have the ability to learn and to adopt to the demands that come up during the process.

For OpenStreetMap, we don't gain anything from making it look like
participating in OSM was the easiest thing in the world. You have to
possess some skills,

--> you have to have the willingness to acquire some skills. The current situation seems to be that only those highly ambitious and tireless people have a chance to become involved persistently. I think lower entry barriers could attract some very good people that would now turn away from the project after three hours of effortless fiddling and digging around.


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