On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 8:33 AM, Jonathan Gray <jonathan.g...@okfn.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
> We're thinking of having a big census of open government data
> initiatives from around the world next week [1], to coincide with Open
> Government Data Camp 2011 in Warsaw [2].
> This would involve having a basic mechanism to add title, URL, brief
> description and possibly thumbnail of a video to a map.
> Has anyone had any experience of doing this sort of thing on Open Street Map?
> Any suggestions (off list) would be very much appreciated.

Dear Jonathan,

Nah, let's do it on-list so others can participate! :-)

The key, really, is OpenLayers.  OpenLayers will let you associate
links, text, images, etc. with a map location.  You can display icons
on the map and deliver pop-ups with more information.  You can set
this up on your web site with the help of the following tutorial.
Change the icons and content of the popup to suit your requirements


You can probably automate this so that users can click a location,
fill in a text box, add a link to a video, etc.

Best regards,

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