On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 6:21 PM, Martijn van Exel <m...@rtijn.org> wrote:
[ ... ]
> Potential problem with taking their own neighborhoods is that many
> students typically live in the same neighborhoods (on campus for
> example) which may cause conflicts when saving edits.

Quite true.  I don't know anything about the students the OP
describes, but if they are college / university students then they'll
have their school neighbourhoods with lots of overlap. They'll also
have their home-neighbourhoods from across the state, country or
world.  That strikes me as an opportunity for new mappers in many
places with less overlap and risk of conflict.

Anybody want to start OSM local groups at the Big Ten universities?
Can you imagine the swarms of mappers as they graduate and take jobs
around the country?

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