----- Original Message ----- From: "Michal Migurski" <m...@stamen.com>
To: "Talk Openstreetmap" <talk@openstreetmap.org>
Sent: Sunday, December 11, 2011 9:07 PM
Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] What's wrong with this picture?

On Dec 9, 2011, at 3:29 AM, David Groom wrote:


Someone had been "tidying" up the coastline and making it part of admin boundaries, but they had managed to get the direction of the coastline ways wrong. I fixed this some weeks ago, so it should render OK the next time the coastline files are updates

David, thanks for continuing to check up on coastline errors!

I recently made some updates to the code behind the Metro Extracts (http://metro.teczno.com) that pushes the coastline files through PostGIS and hunts down additional errors there. Many aren't interesting (nested holes) but some do lead to bugs in PostGIS and Mapnik's ability to render tiles, self-intersections being the largest problem. I'll be updating the site with new error shapefiles when the process stops running over the next 24 hours.

It will be interesting to see how many errors that highlights


The code:

I've also been maintaing a coastline table that contains only last-known good tiles, so it might have out-of-date areas but generally good-looking coastlines everywhere. You can see that here:

Just need to get southern Chesapeake Bay replaced, I think I fixed the problem in changeset #10030763.


michal migurski- m...@stamen.com

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