On Tuesday, December 13, 2011, Jo <winfi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Critical mass is there, at a ratio of more than a 100/1 and that is of
the people who had to speak out their opinion.

That's not the point. Since not making a decision is the same as declining
for the purposes of data survival, deleting a quarter to a third of the map
seems to me to be the project committing suicide. It will improve no doubt
as time goes on, but I was seriously expecting the threshold to be in the
90+% of data survival to proceed.

Yes, the 100/1 means that only a tiny fraction of the red and orange is
ideological, it's surely mostly about people who have moved on, in
interests, email addresses or mortality who we'll just never hear from. If
it were just their edits, I'd be much less concerned, but it's the way it
kills everyone else afterwards. It's even more galling when they deleted
the original data to make their edit, so they've effectively taken the
earlier work away too.

I'll certainly be contacting people now Frederick has provided an easy
means to evaluate the data, but I'm not overly optimistic about people
replying - I run a membership database and find maybe 10% of people change
their email addresses each year, and half of those don't tell me, and
that's when they've paid an annual sub to belong.

Is anyone going to answer the question about the threshold? I'm not being
rhetorical, I really would like to know.

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