>>>>> "mc" == Michael Collinson <m...@ayeltd.biz> writes:

  mc> As the license change process evolved, concern was expressed that
  mc> an unacceptable amount of data might be lost from the current
  mc> version of the OSM database and consensus was reached that phase 5
  mc> [1] - the actual license cut-over - should only happen when a
  mc> "critical mass" was achieved.
  mc> The question I ask you is, do you agree that we have reached critical 

  This is ridiculous. How can the LWG ask whether the amount of data
  which is to be deleted is acceptable, when it hasn't yet decided on
  what is to be deleted?

- there is a huge difference between the two "damage-estimation"
  sources that you cite (OSMI/WTFE and odbl.de)

- noone seems able to answer the question of split ways. If interpreted
  rigourously with respect to copyright, it would significantly
  increase* the amount of damage currently estimated by WTFE. If not
  interpreted rigourously, there seems to be little point in the licence
  change since much data will be tainted.
  That no answers to such fundamental questions are available, just two
  months before the planned switchover, is ludicrous.

* Something less than double, depending on how many non-acceptors have
  been using split/merge operations during editing (according to my
Eric Marsden

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