On 20 May 2012, at 20:31, Worst Fixer wrote:

> Hello.
> 2012/5/20 Paul Norman <penor...@mac.com>
> The mechanical edit policy calls for a wiki page with the details of the 
> proposed upload, as well as contact info (i.e. main account).
> Thanks. I created a wiki page on this: 
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Mechanical_Edits/WorstFixer

Thanks a lot – I can now actually see the documentation for this edit... 
However, there's still one major thing missing.  To make any sane decission we 
need a *concise* description of 1) What tags you're targetting 2) Why you think 
the current values are erroneous 3) What you are doing to fix the errors 4) Why 
you think this won't hit any valid data.

Please please please come back and give this simple short explanation.  I'm 
pretty sure you have good intentions at heart, but I can't tell what's going on 
until you give a description of what you're trying to do that doesn't involve 
101 tables with 0 explanation of what's in them.


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