
>> The landuse import for Georgia (which IMO is poor-quality and should be
>> deleted, but that's not going to happen) has a bunch of areas tagged as
>> note = Forested Wetland with no useful natural=* tags (since
>> natural=wood and natural=wetland both apply). Example:
>> http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/31457349
>> I propose to fix these.

Fine. It ist gut.

>> But what would be the best tags to use? Would natural=wetland
>> wetland=swamp ("An area of waterlogged forest, with dense vegetation.")
>> be correct?

I currently have no objection to this tag change. I have to propose a bit more.

> If there are no objections, I'm going to do this sometime today.

You have falloff Mechanical Edit Policy, if you not want your account blocked.


Please create a page on wiki describening what you plan to do.

Before you upload, I want have a look at data. I see already there are
other shitty import tags on objects with "note=Forested Wetland". We
should consider fixing these too. 10 hours delay before upload will be
sufficent for me.

I may prepare overview of other tags if you want.

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