> From: Christian Quest [mailto:cqu...@openstreetmap.fr]
> Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] All you've ever wanted to know about the french
> cadastre
> 2012/9/27 Simon Poole <si...@poole.ch>:
> > Just so there is no misunderstanding: even taking address tagged nodes
> > in to account, the addresses / houses ratio is lower and at best not
> > different than in other countries without countrywide access to
> > cadastre-like sources. 3% with nodes, 0.6% without, comparision CH:
> > 18% / 12%. The numbers are from the respective taginfo instances.
> >
> > So the question remains why the information in not being added to the
> > outlines.
> >
> Addresses are not extracted (yet) from the vector cadastre data.
> Adding them is done 100% manually except when other opendata sets are
> available (Nantes metropole has just been finished with 400.000+
> addresses added if I'm not wrong).
> We have the cadastre JOSM plugin who helps adding addresses manually
> using the cadastre WMS layer in the background.
> I manually added thousands of addresses that way, on both WMS vector
> based cadastre and raster one (more difficult to read).

I've been wondering, is there a listing of the different type of objects
that are in the cadastre import (as consulted on with imports@ and the local

Obviously buildings are part of it, but is there a list of what else?

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