Unfortunately Packt Publishing already has one OSM book in their portfolio, else I would have suggested to offer them to do that as an alternative ;)

No idea...
IMHO that has to be your very own decision.


Am 26.10.2012 15:05, schrieb Mikel Maron:
So gang, any suggestions on how I respond to this? Anyone want to co-author a micro rant?

Hi Mikel,

My name is XXXX an Author Relation Executive for Packt Publishing. Packt deals in publishing computer books based on a wide variety of IT concepts.

Packt has decided to publish a new micro book on *_Google Map Maker_*. This book will teach using Google Map maker from scratch thro' sample examples.

While looking for potential authors I came across your resume <http://oslimoke.wordpress.com/oslimoke-current-cv/>and blog <http://brainoff.com/weblog/2010/03/16/1541>which confirms that you're an expert and have the desired skills to author this book.

Keeping in mind your interest, I look forward to work with you.


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