> Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2012 11:45:23 +0100
> From: Celso Gonz?lez <ce...@mitago.net>
> To: talk@openstreetmap.org
> Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] openBmap - open geodata project seems to need
>       help
> Message-ID: <20121130104523.ga7...@mitago.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
> On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 09:50:14PM +0000, David Ebling wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm new to the mailing list here, though a long-time OSM contributor (user
>> daveemtb). I have tried to search the archives to check this hasn't been
>> covered recently but sorry if I missed it.
>> There's a really interesting project at http://www.openbmap.org/ which is
>> an open database of WiFi access points and mobile phone cell locations,
>> IDs etc. it also makes use of OSM maps.
>> I think it has a lot of potential to allow location based services to
>> operate on a wide variety of devices without relying on closed geodata
>> from Google etc (sound familiar?)
>> Unfortunately the project seems to be struggling from a lack of help from
>> people with the relevant technical expertise. (I contacted the people
>> currently running the project).
>> They are currently unable to update the maps of cells etc - there seems to
>> be plenty in the database that isn't showing on maps yet, and I know from
>> OSM how important rendering data is in encouraging people to contribute.
>> Is there anyone who would be able to help these guys out? Unfortunately my
>> web coding and Android app writing skills are absolutely non-existant or
>> I'd chip in myself.
> I've been looking the source code trying to help but they only have the
> binaries in sourceforge
> Its an interesting project and i will try to help
> --
> Celso Gonz?lez (@PerroVerd)


Great to hear that someone may be able to help. From looking at the
Sourceforge page, I think the source is in GIT. Does this mean any
more to you than to me? :-s There seems to be a link under "code" on

As another poster mentioned off-list, maybe I should try and learn how
to render a map using their data... Unfortunately I don't even know
where to start yet...



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