
I'm happy to present you *overpass turbo* [1], a web based graphical user interface for Overpass API.

I've always thought, that the Overpass API can be a great tool for mappers and developers (for example for its powerfulness in data filtering). However, there was no easy way to quickly run an Overpass query and inspect the results in a user friendly manner, until now: With overpass turbo you can run Overpass API queries and analyze the resulting OpenStreetMap data interactively on a map.

Here are some use cases where overpass turbo can come in handy:
* Searching for (rare) spelling mistakes or breaks with naming conventions, which are not yet covered by any QA tool. * Showing and inspecting spacially large features (boundaries, rivers, complete motorways, PT-networks, ...).
* Always when you only need a filtered portion of OSM data.
* Testing and developing more or less complicated Overpass API queries.
* Creating mock-ups of clickable or static maps highlighting selected OSM features.


This is the url where you can find overpass turbo [1] (alternatively, there is also an installation on overpass-api.de [2]). You need a somewhat recent web browser for using overpass turbo. Opera, Chrome and Firefox have been tested and work (IE 10 should be fine, too).

More information, screenshots, examples, etc. can be found on the OSM-wiki [3] or on its github repository [4].

Have fun :)
Martin / tyr_asd

[1] http://overpass-turbo.eu
[2] http://overpass-api.de/turbo/
[3] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Overpass_turbo
[4] https://github.com/tyrasd/overpass-ide

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