> From: Roland Olbricht [mailto:roland.olbri...@gmx.de]
> Cc: talk@openstreetmap.org
> Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] osm.org POI display: next beta
> Dear all,
> the beta for a popup POI display has got its first round of
> improvements. See http://overpass.apis.dev.openstreetmap.org/
> for the live demo.
> The popup should now be faster: The data is loaded in several chunks,
> and the first chunk should arrive after at most 300ms.
> A lot of work has gone to properly handle left clicks vs. double clicks.
> As this works around some design limitations in Leaflet, I would be
> happy about situations where this workaround still goes wrong to refine
> it.
> Comments are welcome here or on
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/POI_display
> The found objects now get a classification. This is currently text,
> icons should be used in the long run. This is also where I need your
> help: Categories may still be imprecise, so I'm grateful for examples
> where objects need another classification. The classification is
> currently done in function "classifyElement(element)" in
> https://github.com/drolbr/openstreetmap-
> website/blob/master/app/assets/javascripts/popuplayer.js
> Comments are welcome as pull requests or again here or on
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/POI_display

A few comments.

It's good to see clickable POIs coming along

There was some discussion at the EWG about POI display being targeted at
mappers vs. end users. Which is this aiming at?
The clicks seem to be misclassifying admin_level. Testing (at
http://overpass.apis.dev.openstreetmap.org/go/WJQjK_Ot--) is showing that it
represents both 2 and 4 as "State boundary", 6 as "City boundary" and 8 as
"Suburb boundary". The 2, 4, 6, and 8 are country, province, district and
city here. In the US it would be country, state, county and city (except in
Alaska, which doesn't have counties). I'm not sure of an English name for
the admin_level=4 regions that is not country-specific. The best I can come
up with is "Regional boundary"

It doesn't seem to do anything with named landuse=residential areas. It
probably should.

It doesn't find the New Westminster Professional Building at
http://overpass.apis.dev.openstreetmap.org/go/WJHXezFoS-- but it does find
the nearby 7th St Professional building. 

How difficult will this be to merge with the notes branch
(http://notes.apis.dev.openstreetmap.org/)? That does a lot with Leaflet too
and also captures clicks.

My recollection is that there have been concerns in the past about making
www.osm.org reliant on non-OSMF hosted hardware. Is the plan to use an
existing overpass server, an OSMF-hosted overpass server, or something else?

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