Hi Robert.

Am 26.04.2013 09:44, schrieb Robert Banick:
> As a cartographic project, isn't the whole point of OSM visual? It
> seems a big contradictory to assert that a visual identifier for a
> mapping project is a poor idea.
But OSM is not (only) a cartoGRAPHIC project, it's a geoDATA project.
One - and by far not the only - use case for that geodata is the
graphics - be it 2D, 3D or even Virtual Reality.

And I didn't understand anybody in this discussion as that: Not the
visual identifier as it is a poor idea, but the REPLACEMENT of the text
by this visual identifier is.

If the whole point of OSM would be visual, we would paint
collaboratively on a big canvas. Instead we put data in a database,
state where streets are intersecting and where they cross without being
connected using a bridge or a tunnel.

That's why routing, geocoding and much more is possible with OSM.

Reducing that to a visual project is a common error, but it's not correct.


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