> From: Simon Poole [mailto:si...@poole.ch]
> Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] Using OpenStreetMap on a daily basis
> There are some clear downsides to our current "business model" for
> example our main "brand" is not exposed as much as if we were running
> 4square, MapQuest Open etc., and on the other hand interesting services
> for end users that exist don't profit from the OpenStreetMap label as
> they could do.
> The important part is to understand that the current lack of end-user
> services is not because of lack of knowledge, technology or any thing
> similar, but by design.

I believe both clickable POIs and routing are on the to-do list but have
suffered from a lack of people/time although keep in mind clickable POIs
means different things to different people.

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