Hello Gilles,
you can use additionally also:
So you would have links in both direction.

Do you want to use Geocoding? All Smartphones have GPS, but you need a
feature to adjust the position, and an camera-app with this feature
would be very helpful.

I'm a member of Wikimedia Commons community. I'm relatively sure that
this community will be sad if someone uploads tons on pictures where you
only see housenumbers. Thats what mappers doing.

Each picture on Commons also need a description, category and so on.
This makes a lot of work.

I like the idea of a cooperation between OSM an Wikimedia, but I see
Commons only as place for a selection of pictures that mappers make.
Commons is also without your project on a good way to become a media
garbage dump.
So please give the user a chance to make a selection for an upload to
Commons. If you want to go an other way, please discuss this with
Commons community.

Wikimedia Commons supports with over 3.5 Mio pictures also geocoding:
Each geocoded image gets also a link the description page to an OSM-map.
(I'm the maintainer of this map-frontend.)
Example map:

So geocoding is long-time stable, working for years and I can't see a
benefit by using a reference to in-stable OSM-ID's. Perhaps you can
explain the benefit you see.

Greetings Tim alias Kolossos

Am 28.08.2013 16:58, schrieb Gilles Bassière:
> Hi All,
> I'd like to introduce ImageInOsm [1], a photomapping mobile application.
> The app is intended for on-the-field users. It is very easy to use (see
> screenshots [1]):
> 1. the user select an OSM object that he is seeing on the ground
> 2. he takes a picture of this object
> 3. the picture is sent to Flickr with the OSM id in the tags
> You can already try it:
> - for Android, just download and install this test package [2],
> - for iOS, we are unforunately not aware of any easy solution to publish
> a test package, you will have to build and install from the source code
> (you will need a Mac with the XCode software).
> Compared to traditionnal photomapping process, ImageInOsm promotes
> collaboration. Indeed, the pictures will not remain on a hard/flash
> drive, they will immediately be shared on the Web with metadata allowing
> others to find and use them.
> Please note that (as the name does NOT imply) pictures will not be
> stored on any OSM server. Instead, they will be sent to a 3rd-party
> server (Flickr, ...) under your own account. The sole innovation
> consists in linking the picture to the OSM object that it references.
> So far, the application only works with Flickr as a backend. The tagging
> convention used makes the pictures compatible with LizPOI [3] and
> OsmFlickr [4]. We hope that one day these pictures will be easily
> available in your editor (a JOSM plugin would do the job but we this is
> not on our roadmap, if anyone is interested).
> We are grateful to Jean-Louis Zimmermann from "Ville d'Orange" for
> having initiated and supported this project.
> Technically speaking, this app is built upon:
> - Cordova 3.0
> - JavaScript + BackboneJS
> - HTML/CSS + Bootstrap 2.x
> Source code is available on Github [5], distributed under the Apache
> license 2.0. Of course, any contribution will be happily received: code,
> documentation, bug report, propositions, etc.
> We are aware that the project is not completely mature but the code is
> under active development. We are already planning the following updates:
> - support Wikimedia as a picture backend (ongoing development)
> - configurable filters for OSM objects so that users can make thematic
> campaign
> - improve user experience (see issues on GitHub)
> [1] http://naturalsolutions.github.io/ImageInOsm/
> [2] http://depot.natural-solutions.eu/ImageInOsm/ImageInOsm-0.1.apk
> [3] http://lizpoi.3liz.com/demo/index.php/lizpoi/map/?tree_id=1
> [4]
> http://www.3liz.com/blog/rldhont/index.php?post/2013/02/18/OsmFlickr-:-Gestion-des-liens-OpenStreetMap-Flickr
> [5] https://github.com/NaturalSolutions/ImageInOsm/
> Best regards
> Gilles Bassière
> http://www.natural-solutions.eu

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