> From: Jochen Topf [mailto:joc...@remote.org]
> Sent: Monday, September 23, 2013 6:51 AM
> To: talk@openstreetmap.org
> Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] Who interprets semicolon in tag values?
> I finally wrote down what I found out about semicolons in tag values and
> what I think about them. Turns out there isn't much software that
> interprets them and where it does, only in special cases. Thanks to all
> who replied and sorry that I haven't mentioned every case in my blog
> post.
> http://blog.jochentopf.com/2013-09-23-semicolons-in-osm-tags.html

It's worth noting that when two objects are merged in iD it splits the 
tag's value into lists at semicolons, merges the lists from the two objects,

and then turns the resulting list into a semicolon separated list. See 
https://github.com/systemed/iD/issues/943. I believe iD is actually the 
only editor that attempts to support semicolon lists in tags. JOSM and 
P2 emit them, but don't interpret them.

This of course doesn't avoid contradictory tags like tiger:separated=yes;no 
but it at least avoids tiger:separated=yes;no;no;no;yes;no;yes;...

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