
I'm looking for icons which can be used in wiki, tools and renders for
power infrastructures.

There are currently two big power proposals (out of four) which had been
accepted and it would be great to have a few of pictures / graphic stuff to
improve wiki and renders look and feel.

I'm not so good at graph design and not even at ease with illustrator. Do
someone qualified want to help us with it ?
Maybe an existing library can be used but :
- It would be great to find all icons in the same place (to prevent design
- It would be great to find it under creative commons.

We need about 20/25 icons for different map features. Generators
sources/method and type icons are pretty well furnished but they can be
unformalized too.

Let's discuss how will it look like, many thanks in advance.


*François Lacombe*

francois dot lacombe At telecom-bretagne dot eu
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