Le 15/02/2014 00:41, Rob Nickerson a écrit :
 >Osmose QA tool do this job.

Perhaps I am not aware of everything that Osmose can do, but my basic
understanding is that it provides an in browser view of errors already
in OSM. What I was trying to propose in (1) and (2) was a really slick,
really simple tool that allows the user to load in two datasets (e.g.
original and updated file from a government department, or a government
file and an OSM extract) and it shows you the big differences in a
really simple intuitive way.

For (3) I am proposing a mobile friendly way of getting people out on
the ground to verify data provided by a government and load it in to OSM
(either there and then via mobile, or back at home on their computer).

Osmose also do this.
It's not quite evident, you have to map field with tags. Sometime you have to parse text field to map into many osm tags. You have to select a projection, and guess it when you don't know witch. I even see OpenData file with different projections without indicator! You have to choose a reference tag/field and/or, or if any, choose a conflation distance and tags.

With Osmose you have to write a mapping configuration, the result is :
- found OSM data not in reference OpenData file
- found non integrated data in OSM, integration can be achevied by a JOSM remote link - suggest integration of OpenData on OSM object, addition/coorection of tag can be achieved by a JOSM link - an augmented OpenData file "by OSM", with OSM data not in reference file and with OSM new tags

Look at slide 14-17 of my talk at last SotM :


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