Besides predicting that exactly that would happen with Wikipedia once google started providing WP based excerpts, I don't think that it is really an argument pro/con any specific licence*.

WP historically was the sole consumer and distributor of WP data of note, in the case of OSM that has been different at least for a large part of its history. So in the end it is really just normality arriving for WP (if you don't want that to happen then you probably shouldn't be an open data project).


* at least here google is now providing regular, well visible links to wikipedia, in contrast to what they originally did (tiny light grey "invisible" text). IMHO still not CC by-SA compatible, but that is for WP to decide.

Am 13.03.2014 17:50, schrieb Paweł Paprota:
Read this and substitute OSM for Wikipedia:

The moral is: if you're a contributor to an "open" web resource, then
beware: the hippy ethos simply marks you out as a mug. Unless you
protect and license your work, you *will* be exploited by a powerful
corporation. Because as the Scorpion said to the
Frog[], "It's in
my nature - it's what I do"*.

On Thu, Mar 13, 2014, at 15:26, Alex Barth wrote:
Hello everyone -

I've been sitting on writing about the detrimental effects of OpenStreetMap's 
share-alike license (ODbL) for a while and finally decided to, um, share. I've 
been listening long to many OpenStreetMappers I respect a ton telling me it's 
not so bad and it's just what we're stuck with right now. But given how bad 
share alike is for OpenStreetMap I don't think we should give up for pushing 
for a more open license. Here's why I think share-alike hurts OpenStreetMap and 
how this keeps OpenStreetMap from having the full impact it could have:

Looking forward to your comments,


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