Am 14.03.2014 14:17, schrieb Jukka Rahkonen:
> Hi Simon,
> We have considered that we cannot use OpenStreetMap as a background map in
> any of the applications where users are sending location aware information
> back to administration. For showing existing data it would be OK but not
> for gathering data from users because user could locate a place "corner of
> Annankatu and Merimiehenkatu" by looking at
> the OSM map. The interpretation of ODbL is that this location is derived
> from OSM data and thus the database of the administration would become
> ODbL. It could be OK in some use cases but some data are confidential and
> ODbL is not an option. Therefore we do not use OSM at all. We use our own
> services and Google Maps.

Two remarks/questions:

- is the "derived" data actually being publicly used?
- Off Topic: the use doesn't seem to be compatible with what is
generally known about googles ToS (naturally I assume that is just a
question of money)


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