Perhaps it is because English is not my native language but I understand a Note to be a comment, whether about missing data or wrong data or in fact, as I've sometimes done, a note about imagery missing for a future imagery refresh.

I mapped my hometown last summer and one part of it was missing good imagery, so I added a note there (a cluster of 3 newly built streets) which was something like "imagery missing - resurvey when updated" which I then resolved a few weeks back when I noticed the imagery had been updated for that part. Thus these notes form a sort of to-do list where the doing can't be done at this point in time.

It is quite curious to name them Notes when they are then understood to be Errors. Or are they Notes?


Þann 28.03.2014 08:32, JB reit:
Err, some thoughts after some heavy note-closing in France.

Le 28/03/2014 09:14, Peter Wendorff a écrit :

Adding a note even as a personal note for adding it later is a valid
action, if e.g. don't have the time to do more now or don't have an
editor at hand - provided I'm going to resolve that myself later.
 Dos and don'ts section does not validate this in the wiki : « Don't
use it to put your personal notes here. ». Rather use personal stuff
like gpx files or whatever. Many personal notes just get forgotten
(where is this filtering tool showing _my_ notes? Ha, doesn't exist, I

Adding a note that something is missing in some place is valid, if I
know that there's something missing, but don't exactly know where it is (only very rough location, only know that there's one shop missing, but don't know any details yet,...). Here the note is a temporal thing to be
replaced after an on-the-ground visit.
 Sure, but I've never seen an answer to a note asking for
re-surveying, excepted for the creator when asked for details. In my
opinion, just congesting the database.

 Don't want to go too fast, as I presenting some work done on notes
in France at SotM-FR next week-end, but forecast some additional info
on my diary page afterwards.

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