Dear OSM contributors,

A friendly reminder about this new JOSM plugin called OSM Semantic [1].
If you didn't test it yet, it would be nice for me to hear your feedbacks [2]. The plugin aims to both provide a better user experience and enhance the quality of OSM data by helping users discover new tags relevant for the objects being edited.

This plugin is part of a research project led by Memorial University, Canada. The study involves tests of the plugin by the user community (you!) followed by a quick feedback. The plugin and the tests will be reported in a chapter of a forthcoming book titled "OpenStreetMap in GIScience: Experiences, Research, Applications" [3].

It would be great if you could spend a few minutes to test this plugin and report on your experience. You can easily add the plugin to the interface by enabling it through the JOSM preferences
Edit -> Preferences -> Plugin : Search: Semantic

At the end of your test, please spend a few minutes filling the very short questionnaire to report on your experience with the plugin [2].
The link to the questionnaire is also displayed on the plugin interface.

Thank you and don’t hesitate to email me directly if you have questions.
The more people will do this, the best it will be for our study.

Arnaud Vandecasteele


Arnaud Vandecasteele
SIG - WebMapping - Spatial Ontology - GeoCollaboration

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