On 23/04/2014 21:06, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
2014-04-23 19:27 GMT+02:00 Richard Weait <rich...@weait.com <mailto:rich...@weait.com>>:

    name="Something Flying Club"

maybe this is something different in the anglosaxon world and in some European countries, but e.g. in Italy or Germany a "company" will be something profitoriented while "clubs" often aren't (they have cultural, or educational, or sport, o some other not profit oriented scope and their legal form of constitution is a special status (while in the UK a limited company can also be non-profit, see OSMF).


My suggestion would be more specific office=flying_club, name=foo etc. (if it is mainly an office, otherwise maybe a leisure o amenity value?)

I would say leisure=flying_club since the location is generally the seat of the club's activities, not just an administrative office.

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