
this is awesome. Your presentation at SOTM was quite interesting and I was 
waiting for the revision of the database.

Below is an example where I extract places for Sierra Leone, with diff from 
15-03 to 02-07. This work nicely.

Leone"];);node["place"](area);>;);out meta geom; 

This worked nicely. Tried to go further, extracting all diff nodes between 
03-15 and 02-07 for Sierra Leone.

This  worked well exporting as Raw 
Data from Overpass API (116 meg output), but I receive this Ajax error message 
trying to run in the browser, probably because 
of the size of the output: 

Ajax Error - An error occured during the execution of the overpass query!
Request rejected. (e.g. server not found, request blocked by browser addon, 
request redirected, internal server errors, etc.)
Error while parsing the data (parsererror).

Leone"];);node(area);>;);out meta geom;

My next step will be to learn how to extract simultaneously various objects 
(ie. node, way, relation).

Thanks again for this awesome work.


 De : Roland Olbricht <>
À : osm-talk <> 
Envoyé le : Samedi 2 août 2014 2h27
Objet : [OSM-talk] Attic data on Overpass API

Dear all,

the attic feature of Overpass API should now work properly.

An example how to use this feature is
A big thank you to Ikonor at this point.

In detail, the database has been rebuilt. I tried to do as much checks 
as possible, and this has shown further bugs, which in turn led me to 
fix this in the code and then re-build the database again. A thank you 
to Stephan and Markus who managed to obtain a temporary powerful server; 
this ultimately enabled to do the last database rebuild within less than 
a week.

I will give details about the kind of bugs that kept me busy:

To keep the database as small as possible (currently more than 400 GB 
are painful, compare this to 25 GB of a PBF planet file), we store attic 
data as delta to the next newer version. Unchanged details like not 
changed tags aren't stored at all. For example, the tags of

<node version="3" lat="50" lon="10" timestamp="2011-01-01">
   <tag k="name" v="something"/>
   <tag k="highway" v="bus_stop"/>
   <tag k="bus" v="yes"/>
   <tag k="FIXME" v="check_name"/>

<node version="4" lat="50" lon="10" timestamp="2012-01-01">
   <tag k="name" v="something else"/>
   <tag k="highway" v="bus_stop"/>
   <tag k="bus" v="yes"/>
   <tag k="shelter" v="yes"/>

are stored as
current: "name" = "something else"
current: "highway" = "bus_stop"
current: "bus" = "yes"
current: "shelter" = "yes"
attic: before 2012: "name" = "something"
attic: before 2012: "FIXME" = "check_name"
attic: before 2012: "shelter" = void

This allows us to save space for the repeated tags "highway" and "bus".

The main traces of the bug were checksum disparities in five of the 6000 
checked first augmented diffs, spanning roughly 12 September to 16 
September 2012. In detail, the diffs generated from the database state 
as of 1st October 2012 (thus, representing deltas to the then-current 
state of 1st October 2012) were not consistent with the diffs generated 
for the same minutes based on deltas to the database state as of June 
2014. A detailed re-generation of the augmented diffs of both database 
states has shown that an extra tag was present on the node 1700083447 in 
its attic state of September 2012 computed from June 2014 in comparison 
to the same node at the same attic state computed from the database as 
of October 2012.

Do you have guessed what has gone wrong? Me not so far, so I had to 
understand the subtle details. There are millions of nodes carrying 
tags, so what is so special about this one?

It turned out that the node has moved forth and back over a significant 
distance, see versions 11, 14, and 15. While the movement itself is not 
so large (about 2 km), it happened to change its quadtile index to a new 
value and then back to the old value. And in version 13, after the move 
forth, the tag is_capital=country has been added and not changed when 
the node moved back.

I managed in the delta computation to set a marker on the quadtile index 
of the older position that the tag is present, but I forgot to set a 
marker on the new position that the tag isn't present on earlier 
versions on this quadtile index.

Now: Why didn't this pop up earlier? Haven't there been tests? There 
have been tests, but obviously not enough, and you always only know 
afterwards which tests have been missing. The whole problem doesn't 
appear to a node when the node never existed at this place before (only 
3 in a million of nodes ever get back to a quadtile index where they 
have been before). And it doesn't appear either when the tag had any 
value on this older node versions (so the total number of affected nodes 
is less than 100), because there is then a marker for this older version 
and this specific key. Both cases have been tested individually, but not 
both together.

In total: I've worked to get the number of bugs down, and I'm confident 
to call the database state now consistent, but there might be other 
arcane bugs that affect only few objects in specific versions. So please 
be bold to report suspect query results to me, but be also bold in using 
the new attic database.



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