Deleting, deleting...

First we should try to understand the meaning, the purpose of any data that
has been contributed by someone else that we don't understand.

I understand the purpose and meaning of the first two relations. Each of
them describe a route, so the type=route / route=road looks ok to me .
The second one does not provide much more info than the members already
provide, but let's consider it will improve in the future with for example
an operator=* tag.

For the third one, I don't understand it.
It is a big list (collection if your prefer) of roads, and  I don't
understand the opening_hours tags.
What is this supposed to describe ?

Does this mean nobody can drive on these roads except during the
opening_hours ?

2014-08-23 11:18 GMT+02:00 Werner Hoch <>:

> Hi,
> Am Donnerstag, den 21.08.2014, 19:20 +0100 schrieb Dave F.:
> >
> >
> > This route relation appears to be just for the B3070. Isn't that a waste
> > of time as it's covered by the ref tags on the ways?
> >
> > I thought route relations were a way to allow tagging of journeys taken
> > over numerous types of ways. Any reason why I shouldn't delete it?
> They are used to describe infrastructure, too. Currently there are 85000
> relations of that kind in the database. (10000 in DE, only 100 in UK)
> Often the type=route route=road have extra tags like operator, full
> name, wikipedia/data link, ...
> The relation builds a single object for a specific road
> Personally, for roads with lower importance, like the B3070 I wouldn't
> create extra relations.
> In other mails I've seen the ref discussion again. Should it be only on
> the way or on the relation?
> While it is redundant to place it on both, it helps to do QA tasks like
> missing segments, wrong elements, wrong ref, ...
> "Relations are not Categories" discussion:
> Whenever this page is cited I'm wondering how would you identify the
> specific "category" with a database request?
> just my 2 cents.
> This one looks like a bad relation, anyone likes to delete it?
> Regards
> Werner (werner2101)
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