Am 28.08.2014 11:17, schrieb Andy Mabbett:
> On 28 August 2014 09:09, Simon Poole <> wrote:
>> What you do avoid by not tagging in OSM is
>> maintenance (given that OSM objects are not
>> necessarily a persistent reference to a single real
>> world entity).
> Very few Wikidata IDs will change (far fewer than Wikipedia article
> names, for instance; and far fewer than IDs or other tags in OSM).
> Again, this is a statistically-insignificant edge-case.

I wasn't expecting wikidata IDs to change at all. OSM objects will get
reused, copied, split, moved, deleted etc. leading to missing or wrong
wikidata tags. Naturally these could be detected by re-running Edwards
code, but that kind of proves my point.

>> And maintenance would include adding a wikidata tag
>> to new objects in OSM, which for the next years likely
>> going to be the largest source of errors.
> On what basis do you assert that?

Gut feeling or said in an other way: experience. I live in one of most
densely mapped countries of the world and we are far from even having
something as simple as all places in OSM (which would be classic
candidates for wikidata entries).


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