On 14/09/2014, Norbert Wenzel <norbert.wenzel.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
> How is making a data search accept all nameXXXXXXXXX fields with X being
> any arbitrary number easier, than splitting all values at semicola? The
> data preprocessing has to be fixed (? has it, or are semicola already
> supported by Nominatim?) for all variants, and I'd say a simple string
> split at a semicolon is easier to implement than checking every key for
> possible numbers at the end.
> And the semicolon list is in my eyes more logical when it comes to
> removed values, eg. what does it mean when name2 is deleted, but name3
> still exists?

The problem with semicolon-separated values is that you can never be
sure wether you're looking at multiple values, or one value that
happens to contain a semicolon. That's part of the reason why other
tags sometimes use a different separator (a coma, a pipe...). It's

Varying the key name is only slightly better: you know for sure that
there are multiple values, but finding all those values is a bit of a
nightmare (foo, foo_2, foo2, foo:2, foo[2], alt_foo, old_foo...). With
some standardisation it could work (perhaps aided by editor support),
but it hasn't happened yet.

Supporting multiple values natively in the osm data model would
provide a clean and efficient solution, but updating all the tools to
support it would be a huge undertaking.

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