
I have discovered that the user OpenBeerMapContributor [1] uploads
anonymous edits from OpenBeerMap [2] to OSM database.

Users can edit parts of OSM data via OpenBeerMap. The can add/modify the
tags brewery=*, opening_hours=*, name=*, internet_access=*,
brewery:note=* and "Happy Hours" (I don't know where this information is
being written to). They do not have to log in.

The website itself does not inform users that their edits will be
written to OSM database. This is problem. Therefore, edits may contain
wrong formatted opening hours information or copyright infringement and
OSM users cannot contact the users.

The good thing: Users cannot add new POIs, i.e. they cannot create

As far as I know, only to accounts have the permission to do anonymous
edits, wheelmap_visitor [3] and kort-to-osm [4].

wheelmap_visitor only edits wheelchair=* and wheelchair:description=*.
This is much less information than OpenBeerMap users can do.

Has Singing-Poppy, maintainer of OpenBeerMap, requested for doing
anonymous edits? If yes, where is this permission documented?

I have send a PN to user Singing-Poppy that I have written this mail to
talk mailing list.

Best regards


[1] https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/OpenBeerMapContributor
[2] https://openbeermap.github.io/
[3] https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/wheelmap_visitor
[4] https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/kort-to-osm

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