Hi Rob

 I had the feeling that I had announced something outside of the board,
but that may simply be a figment of my imagination. Applications have
been received from Iceland, Italy and Japan.  All three have the honor
and the pain of having to beta test the procedure, mainly providing us
with some additional documentation. I'm sure translating the respective
articles is the main issue, but I can't see how minimal due diligence
can be avoided without creating a liability nightmare.

There are further organisations that have indicated their willingness to
join us and I would expect a few more applications in the next couple of


Am 22.10.2014 23:41, schrieb Rob Nickerson:
> Simon,
> I note in [1] that there are now three applications to the Local
> Chapter Agreement [2] and these are being processed now.
> In light of the current discussions on transparency and holding the
> board to account, can I ask whether it possible to disclose these just
> in case there are any other local groups that feel they represent the
> geographic regions included in the first three applications.
> Also I'm curious :-)
> Best,
> Rob
> [1]
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/osmf-talk/2014-October/002697.html
> [2] http://wiki.osmfoundation.org/wiki/Local_OSMF_Chapters

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